
SUPER SLAW for Weight Loss!
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SUPER SLAW for Weight Loss!

Eat MORE Slaw to Lose MORE Weight! You think of it simply as summer fare, reserved for picnics, laden with Mayo, and putting you at risk for food borne illnesses, because we hear that Mayo + Heat = proliferation of bacteria. However, I’d like to change your views on SLAW. From my standpoint, SLAW is…

How to make GARBANZO Beans from SCRATCH!
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How to make GARBANZO Beans from SCRATCH!

Garbanzo Beans from SCRATCH!!?? Yes!!! YOU can DO IT!!! Making beans from scratch is not as difficult as you might think. Despite the numerous, cumbersome methods I’ve seen on other cooking experts websites, it does NOT have to take two days, or even an ENTIRE day, to make beans from scratch. In fact, making beans…